
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Better late than never: Teaching Tuesday

As you can see, thanks to the wonderful workings of one Kristen Gandy... We have a BLOG!! It has finally happened.  This way you can look back at our posts, and / or share them with friends easier. (at least I think you can... I'm new to this!)

Life happens, so this week you get Teaching Wednesday!

Today's topic: PARABENS

Parabens are used in cosmetics to preserve the product.  Especially things that contain water, so that they wont grow mold.  It sounds like a good idea, I don't really want moldy shampoo... but the problem is that parabens are absorbed through your skin and reek havoc on your body!

- Parabens have been found in some 98% of breast cancer tumors
- They mimic estrogen in your body, disrupting the natural production of hormones and estrogen regulation. Your body knows what to make and how to regulate it - it doesn't need any help or anything to confuse it!
- Parabens can activate the genes that cause breast cancer cells to grow!

Parabens are normally found in: make up, shampoo, lotion, shaving cream, toothpaste, mouthwash, some processed foods and in many over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceutical drugs. 

The "official" jury is still out on wether or not parabens are dangerous to our heath, but I for one choose NOT to be part of the experiment!  They are "approved for safe use" by the FDA in all types of products and are still being tested to see if they have long term damaging effects... No thank you! I am not your science experiment! Something is very wrong with our food and heath system when young people, babies even, are getting cancer... dying... suffering... It's just not right! 

SO what can you do? Turn over your shampoo (and EVERY product you put in or on your body) and read that long list of ingredients! Look at what is in it. If you don't recognize an ingredient, google it! Check it out! Don't trust that the FDA is looking out for you or your health! I'm sorry to say that, but these days everything is about money. Do your own research and be your own health advocate!

When you are looking on the back of your products look for (and I avoid) any of these listings:
Methyl parabenPropyl parabenIsobutyl paraben
Ethyl parabenButyl parabenE216

-Robin Thigpen
Wife, Mother, Soap Maker, Health Advocate... and now BLOGGER :)

Some links for further reading...

P.S. I'm no doctor! I don't have a degree... I'm just giving you my honest opinion and trying to help you get a little bit healthier! 

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